

April 07, 2012

NEWS: Director Gary Ross has not officially withdrawn from 'Catching Fire'

Various reports yesterday circulated the net stating that Director Gary Ross bowed out of The Hunger Games sequel, Catching Fire. Though Lionsgate remains mum about the issue, a lot of people, mainly fans, have reacted furiously about it, causing an online turmoil.

P.S. We personally decided not to post anything about it due to the fact that no official confirmation from Lionsgate has surfaced up to now.

But this morning, Deadline reported that:
Despite reports that have spread like wildfire on showbiz websites, we hear from multiple sources close to Catching Fire that director Gary Ross hasnot formally withdrawn from The Hunger Gamessequel. Ross is off on a family vacation and couldn’t be reached, but these internet reports that described his withdrawal as definitive are simply not accurate. 
There have also been reports about a tense standoff between Lionsgate and Fox over the sequel services of Jennifer Lawrence, who will reprise her role as Mystique in the sequel to X-Men: First Class. That has also been somewhat overblown; Fox had an option deal on Lawrence way before she signed on to play Katniss Everdeen in The Hunger Games. That put Fox in first position. Since Lionsgate has a Catching Fire script done, Fox allowed them to go first. 
As for the notion that Ross would simply toss away the opportunity to return and direct Catching Firebecause of a salary squabble, the logic seems flawed. The Seabiscuit director knows the benefit of riding in a winner and not switching horses midstream. Ross lobbied hard to get The Hunger Games and turned it into the biggest hit of his directing career. Before that, he developed several serious historical dramatic projects under his deal at Universal that didn’t get off the ground. Staying for a sure-fire hit and a sequel that audiences actually want to see makes a lot of sense for Ross, particularly given how active the filmmaker has been in the construction of Catching Fire.
I still hope that Gary decides to come back! I loved him as a director because he seemed like he really understands what The Hunger Games is substantially about.  It would be hard on the part of Lionsgate to find someone who is as passionate for The Hunger Games as Gary Ross in order to direct Catching Fire well. What do you guys think? Sound off on the comments below.

Source: Deadline